The Amelia Six: An Amelia Earhart Mystery (MP3 CD)
作者: Kristin L. Gray 
書城編號: 26071564

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/03/29
ISBN: 9798212074070

Amelia Earhart's famous aviator goggles go missing and eleven-year-old Millie has to find them before the night is over in this girl-powered middle grade mystery. Eleven-year-old Amelia Ashford--Millie to her friends (if she had any, that is)--doesn't realize just how much adventure awaits her when she's given the opportunity of a lifetime: to spend the night in Amelia Earhart's childhood home with five other girls. Make that five strangers. But Millie's mom is a pilot like the famous Amelia, and Millie would love to have something to write to her about . . . if only she had her address. Once at Amelia's house in Atchison, Kansas, Millie stumbles upon a display of Amelia's famous flight goggles. She can't believe her good luck, since they're about to be relocated to a fancy museum in Washington, DC. But her luck changes quickly when the goggles disappear, and Millie was the last to see them. Soon, fingers are pointing in all directions, and someone falls strangely ill. Suddenly, a fun night of scavenger hunts and sweets takes a nosedive and the girls aren't sure who to trust. With a blizzard raging outside and a house full of suspects, the girls have no choice but to band together. It's up to the Amelia Six to find the culprit and return the goggles to their rightful place. Or the next body to collapse could be one of theirs.
Kristin L. Gray 作者作品表

The Amelia Six: An Amelia Earhart Mystery (Compact Disc)

The Amelia Six: An Amelia Earhart Mystery (MP3 CD)

Rover Throws a Party: Inspired by Nasa's Curiosity on Mars (hardcover)

Rover Throws a Party: Inspired by Nasa's Curiosity on Mars (hardcover)

eBook: Vilonia Beebe Takes Charge (DRM EPUB)

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