Body Connections: Body-Based Spiritual Care (MP3 CD)
作者: Michael S. Koppel 
書城編號: 26071877

原價: HK$420.00
現售: HK$399 節省: HK$21

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/02/15
ISBN: 9798212082020

Too often we think and teach in ways that reinforce a mind-body split. This can lead people to self-alienation, impeding holistic, healthy relationships between people, God, and each other. Body Connections takes a different approach, teaching us to see the connections between our embodied experience and faithful spiritual care. Author Michael Koppel focuses on the human body and its relationship to faith and spiritual care. He engages religious texts and traditions as well as scientific insights, offering accessible theology and spiritual practices for healing and care of the body. Our bodies are amazing resources, but we are too often unaware of their power, or unable to harness it in helpful ways for our own good. This remarkable book empowers pastors, counselors, chaplains, seminarians, and caregivers to understand and provide the ministry of care in an entirely new, life-giving way. This book is highly useful for individuals and groups. It is for clergy, chaplains, spiritual directors, seminarians, clinical educators, laypeople in churches, and those who are institutionally unaffiliated but care deeply about fostering a holistic spiritual path.
Michael S. Koppel 作者作品表

Body Connections: Body-Based Spiritual Care (Compact Disc)

Body Connections: Body-Based Spiritual Care (MP3 CD)

eBook: Body Connections: Body-Based Spiritual Care (DRM EPUB)

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