About That Night (Compact Disc)
作者: Laura Brown 
書城編號: 26072550

原價: HK$370.00
現售: HK$351.5 節省: HK$18.5

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/03/15
ISBN: 9798212108447

Izzy Fineberg can take on any challenge--and she's had some big ones lately. After one fateful night with the hottest Deaf man she'd ever met, Izzy found she was pregnant with his child. And she never caught his name. She's been doing the single mom thing for nine months now, and surely, nothing could be more challenging than that. But her first day at her new job, she meets her supervisor . . . and recognizes him immediately. Nolan Holtzman never expected to see Izzy again, and now, she's the new hire at the agency he works in. He'd think things were finally going his way for once, if not for the ironclad ban on interoffice dating. He'll have to keep his distance from her if he wants to keep his dream job helping the Deaf community. Much easier said than done when Izzy drops the bomb that she's a single parent . . . of his son. It's the shock of his life, but that won't stop him from stepping up to be a dad. So when Izzy is suddenly in need of a place to stay for a week, Nolan invites her and the baby to his home. But even as difficult as it is, keeping their little family a secret from their employer isn't their biggest challenge ahead . . . Contains mature themes.
Laura Brown 作者作品表

Dixit Poems (Paperback)

Maths Activity Book for Kids (Paperback)

eBook: Counterhuman Imaginary: Earthquakes, Lapdogs, and Traveling Coinage in Eighteenth-Century Literature (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Counterhuman Imaginary: Earthquakes, Lapdogs, and Traveling Coinage in Eighteenth-Century Literature (DRM PDF)

A Cruise Fling (Compact Disc)

A Cruise Fling (MP3 CD)

The Un-Arranged Marriage (MP3 CD)

The Un-Arranged Marriage (Compact Disc)

eBook: Cruise Fling (DRM EPUB)

A Cruise Fling (Paperback)

eBook: Un-Arranged Marriage (DRM EPUB)

About That Night (MP3 CD)

About That Night (Compact Disc)

Matzah Ball Surprise (MP3 CD)

Matzah Ball Surprise (Compact Disc)

Wrong Number (Compact Disc)

Wrong Number (MP3 CD)

eBook: About That Night (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Matzah Ball Surprise (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fables of Modernity: Literature and Culture in the English Eighteenth Century (DRM PDF)

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