Not in the Cards (Paperback)
作者: June Kelley Pierce 
書城編號: 26075858

售價: $140.00

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出版社: Iuniverse Inc
出版日期: 2023/02/09
重量: 0.17 kg
ISBN: 9781663249128
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Everybody wants to get rich quick...opportunities come--even in small towns. Jake and Ellie Taylor read about a local boy who won big and, to Jake's surprise, soon after, he finds himself holding two golden tickets to a newly opened casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Atlantic City was the farthest he and Ellie had ever travelled from their small farming, town in Pennsylvania. This story takes the reader along on their risk-taking journey in anticipation of a fun and exciting weekend. However, the glitz and glamour of the late 1950's gambling scene is not as appealing up close and quickly reveals a tapestry of corruption and deceit. This couple learns that winning is sometimes a losing game.
June Kelley Pierce 作者作品表

Point of View: A Collection of Short Stories (Paperback)

Point of View: A Collection of Short Stories (Hardcover)

Not in the Cards (Hardcover)

Not in the Cards (Paperback)

eBook: Not in the Cards (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Neglected Cries (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Misunderstood (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Restitution (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Keeping Secrets (DRM EPUB)

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