Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery (MP3 CD)
作者: William Sears 
書城編號: 26080903

原價: HK$320.00
現售: HK$304 節省: HK$16

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出版社: Blackstone Pub
出版日期: 2022/10/04
ISBN: 9798212232975


Science-based guidance on getting the best from your cancer treatment from one of America's most trusted doctors

Cancer can make you feel powerless. Survival rate statistics can leave you feeling helpless and afraid.

But you are a person, not a percentage. And you are not powerless.In Help Heal Yourself from Cancer, cancer survivors and medical-profession veterans Bill and Martha Sears help you go from patient to partner in your cancer-healing journey. They outline the steps you can take, both in working with your cancer-care providers and on your own, to maximize your chances of not just beating cancer, but thriving in its wake.

This comprehensive guide will help you: - Develop a conquer-cancer mindset. The science is clear: cancer healing begins with the brain. Believing you will heal is the first step. - Personalize your treatment plan. Find out what tests to ask for, which advice to pay attention to (and what to ignore), and how to talk to your oncologist about designing a plan that's perfectly tailored to you and your cancer. - LEAN in to supporting your immune system. Learn how to best support your natural cancer-fighting army through lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition--giving chemotherapy and radiation the best chance of success.

With eye-catching illustrations to boost understanding and special sections on breast, colon, lung, and brain cancers, this audiobook gives you the tools you need to stop fearing your cancer and start boosting your immune system, fine-tuning your treatment plan, and taking charge of your healing--all so you can ultimately Help Heal Yourself from Cancer.

William Sears 作者作品表

Why Babywear? Benefits for You and Your Baby (Paperback)

Help Heal Yourself from Cancer: Partner Smarter with Your Doctor, Personalize Your Treatment Plan, and Take Charge of Your Recovery (MP3 CD)

Dr. Sears T5 Wellness Plan (Paperback)

Dr. Sears T5 Wellness Plan (Hardcover)

Fussy Baby Book (Paperback)

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep: America's Foremost Baby and Childcare Experts Answer the Most Frequently Asked Questions (1ST ed.)

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