Asunder (Hardcover)
作者: Sierzant 
書城編號: 26092604

售價: $270.00

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出版社: La Maison Pub Inc
出版日期: 2023/02/14
重量: 0.48 kg
ISBN: 9781970153408

Set against the sweeping backdrop of World War II, young lovers Domenico and Antoinette find a fragile paradise amid the chaos of Milan. From different worlds but bound by passion, they marry and welcome twin sons into a life filled with hope. But their dreams darken as Mussolini allies with Hitler, decreeing that all boys over five must train for Fascist ideals in the brutal "Sons of the Wolf" camps. Defiant and desperate to shield his sons, Domenico sends Antoinette and the twins to the safety of her family in Florence while he joins the Italian Resistance. Yet Florence is no sanctuary. When the Nazis begin a scorched-earth retreat, they destroy the city's historic bridges, leaving Antoinette and the twins trapped in a nightmare of devastation. Racing against time, Domenico makes his way to Florence, determined to rescue his family from the ruins. But as he scours the shattered streets, he fears he may be too late. Will love and courage be enough to reunite them, or has the war stolen their future forever?

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