All is Lost (Paperback)
作者: Stephanie Hunt 
書城編號: 26109249

售價: $499.00

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出版社: Lightning Source Inc
出版日期: 2023/02/20
重量: 0.35 kg
ISBN: 9781944115135


Lost is Elodie. Literally. She has few options left after a great adventure takes her to a distant world with enormous alien men.

She is afraid, hurt, and alone when she gets lost in the vast alien woods while evading an aggressive male who wants to mate with her by force.

That is, until she encounters a huge gladiator with a stone-like build. Barre. Barre has only ever known pain and combat, leaving him covered in scars and muscles. Although he is the most powerful being on the world, he avoids public view. He takes pleasure in his silence and seclusion.

Although he is fond of the young girl he discovers in the woods and hasn't seen a woman in years, he is unable to retain her for himself. The little creature must be brought back to the palace since that is where she belongs.

Stephanie Hunt 作者作品表

Veranda Simply Chic (Hardcover)

All is Lost (Paperback)

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