Tools: A Visual Exploration of Implements and Devices in the Workshop (Hardcover)
作者: Theodore Gray 
分類: Reference works ,
Handicrafts, decorative arts & crafts  
書城編號: 26111255

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Black Dog & Leventhal
出版日期: 2023/10/24
ISBN: 9780762498307


The international bestselling author of The Elements celebrates 118 individual categories of tools found in the home workshop--from crescent wrenches to miter saws, from levels to cordless drills--all exquisitely photographed in Nick Mann's inimitable style.

Includes a bonus poster of Theodore Gray's PERIODIC TABLE OF TOOLS!

Tools is arguably Theodore Gray's most personal book yet. Hand tools and power tools have been a central part of his life for as long as he can remember. Using them, collecting them, and appreciating them is as much a part of his DNA as his passion for the periodic table. This book is the story of those tools, from Gray's personal favorites that have stuck with him through to years, to new and exciting antiques and modern inventions that he's discovered along the way. Organized into 118 categories, (and cleverly arranged into a periodic table of tools where each tool in a column shares properties and builds from lightest to heaviest) each tool is featured in a great big beautiful photograph on the left-hand side of the spread. On the right side of the page, Theo regales us with history and personal stories and shows us multiple variations on the theme. Tools is an unprecedented collection featuring 500 stunning examples of the world's most wonderful workshop implements. It's the must-have book for every tool lover.

Theodore Gray 作者作品表

How Things Work (Hardcover)

Theodore Gray's ABC Elements (Hardcover)

Reactions: An Illustrated Exploration of Elements, Molecules, and Change in the Universe (hardcover)

Molecules (Hardcover)

The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe (paperback)

Elements (Paperback)

Theo Gray's Mad Science (Hardcover)

Photographic Card Deck of the Elements (Hardcover)

Elements (Hardcover)

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