Things I Wish I Told My Mother (MP3 CD)
作者: Susan Patterson 
書城編號: 26111996

原價: HK$460.00
現售: HK$437 節省: HK$23

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出版社: Little Brown & Co
出版日期: 2023/04/17
重量: 0.07 kg
ISBN: 9781668630815


An artist and her perfectionist mother unpack a lifetime of secrets while on vacation in Paris in this moving novel--perfect for fans of One Italian Summer. A mother and daughter on vacation in Paris unpack a lifetime of secrets and hopes--with a giant Pattersonian twist at the end!

Every daughter has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets. Laurie is an artist, a collector of experiences. She travels the world with a worn beige duffel bag. Every mother has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets.

"Dr. Liz," Laurie's mother, is an elegant perfectionist who travels the world with a matched set of suitcases.

When Laurie surprises her mother with a dream vacation, it brings an unexpected sparkle to her eyes. So begins Things I Wish I Told My Mother. You will wish this novel never ends.

Susan Patterson 作者作品表

Passions (Paperback)

Unnoticed Moments (Paperback)

Things I Wish I Told My Mother: The Perfect Mother-Daughter Book Club Read (Paperback)

Unnoticed Moments (Paperback)

Things I Wish I Told My Mother (MP3 CD)

Things I Wish I Told My Mother: The Most Emotional Mother-Daughter Novel in Years ((Large Print)) (Paperback)

Things I Wish I Told My Mother: The Most Emotional Mother-Daughter Novel in Years (Hardcover)

Things I Wish I Told My Mother: The Most Emotional Mother-Daughter Novel in Years (Compact Disc)

eBook: Unnoticed Moments (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Tom and Irma (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Passions (DRM EPUB)

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