Mikki and Me and the Out-Of-Tune Tree (Paperback)
作者: Marion Roberts 
書城編號: 26112015

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: A & U Children
出版日期: 2023/05/23
重量: 0.28 kg
ISBN: 9781760526795

After becoming attuned to the songs of the forest and setting up a successful social media nature channel, Alberta Bracken and Mikki Watanabe are determined to pull out all the stops to save their local grove of trees in this thoroughly enjoyable novel for young readers.

Eleven-year-old Alberta Bracken is having a terrible summer. After a bike-riding accident, caused by the local bully, her arm's in a cast so she can't do her most favorite activity: boogie boarding at the local beach. And her little sister Clementine is EXTREMELY ANNOYING.

To make matters worse, her mom (bestselling author of Tammy Bracken's Guide to Modern Manners) has sent her dad packing - after discovering his behavior has been far from...well-mannered.

So when budding filmmaker Mikki Watanabe suggests they start a YouTube channel about the secret life of trees - Alberta is ALL IN. And when they discover their trees are earmarked for removal by the local council it's suddenly a race against time to save them.

Funny, warm and a little offbeat, this highly entertaining novel hits all the right notes for middle-fiction readers.

Marion Roberts 作者作品表

Living in a Man-Made World: Gender Assumptions in Modern Housing Design (Hardcover)

Mikki and Me and the Out-Of-Tune Tree (Paperback)

Mikki and Me and the Out-of-Tune Tree (Paperback)

Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Storms (Paperback)

Sunny Side Up (Paperback)

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