The Encyclopedia of Cut Flowers: What Flowers to Buy, When to Buy Them, and How to Keep Them Alive Longer (Paperback)
作者: Calvert Crary 
分類: Reference works ,
Flower arranging & floral crafts ,
House plants  
書城編號: 26114074

原價: HK$300.00
現售: HK$285 節省: HK$15

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出版社: Black Dog & Leventhal
出版日期: 2023/10/10
ISBN: 9780762483280

From Calvert Crary and Bruce Littlefield, The Encyclopedia of Cut Flowers is a comprehensive, gorgeously visual guide that answers every question you've ever had (and a few you didn't know to ask!) about buying, caring for, and prolonging the lives of more than 140 different varieties of commonly available cut flowers.

The Encyclopedia of Cut Flowers dives deep into the world of fresh-cut flowers, featuring unique entries for 143 different varieties of commonly available cut flowers that readers can buy at their local grocery store or flower market. Each flower entry offers authoritative tips for conditioning methods (eg­-cut flowers should never be put near fresh fruit because fruit produces ethylene gas which will shorten the flowers' life), as well as scientific and common names, best seasons for buying (eg--lilies in spring, dahlias in summer) and fascinating facts about each bloom. An introductory section offers basic tips for styling arrangements at home, and for keeping flowers hydrated and alive for as long as possible. By the time readers are done flipping through the pages of The Encyclopedia of Cut Flowers, which features more than 150 gorgeous color photographs of flowers, they'll be experts in the field!

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