Cody Takes the Court (Paperback)
作者: Blake Hoena 
書城編號: 26117592

售價: $80.00

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出版社: Jump
出版日期: 2023/08/01
ISBN: 9798885243834

In this title, early fluent readers follow Cody as he fills in on the basketball court for his injured teammate. Read along as Cody proves to his teammates that he belongs on the court. Vibrant illustrations and carefully leveled text will engage young readers in a supportive educational fiction reading experience. Children can learn more about basketball using Fact Surfer, our safe online search engine that provides relevant, age-appropriate websites. This book also features reading tips for teachers and parents, diagrams showing the basketball court, positions, and equipment needed to play, a glossary, an index, and a table of contents. Grasshopper Books offers simple, fun fiction for emerging readers. Cody Takes the Court is part of Jump!'s Super Sports Stories series.
Blake Hoena 作者作品表

Nemesis (Paperback)

Easter Island, Stone Giants of the Pacific (Paperback)

Bermuda Triangle, Black Hole of the Atlantic (Paperback)

Roswell, Alien Capital of the World (Hardcover)

Roswell, Alien Capital of the World (Paperback)

Easter Island, Stone Giants of the Pacific (Hardcover)

Bermuda Triangle, Black Hole of the Atlantic (Hardcover)

Can You Survive Treasure Island?: A Choose Your Path Book (0002Revised) (Hardcover)

Archie and the Moon Robots (Hardcover)

History Tipsters Sneak Into the Oval Office: The Inside Scoop on the U.S. Presidency (Paperback)

History Tipsters Sneak Into the Oval Office: The Inside Scoop on the U.S. Presidency (Hardcover)

A Hero Awakens (Paperback)

The Deadly Bell Witch Ghost: A Ghostly Graphic (Paperback)

The Voyage of the Flying Dutchman: A Ghostly Graphic (Paperback)

Can You Survive a Revolutionary War Escape?: An Interactive History Adventure (Hardcover)

Can You Survive a Revolutionary War Escape?: An Interactive History Adventure (Paperback)

The Shocking Journey from Comets to Oceans: A Graphic Novel about Earth's Water (Paperback)

Basma Balances on the Beam (Paperback)

Priya's Penalty Kick (Library Binding)

Pedro's Perfect Pitch (Paperback)

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