This Time Around: Three Sweet Romances (Paperback)
作者: Denise Hunter 
書城編號: 26118233

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Thomas Nelson Pub
出版日期: 2023/08/08
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9780840716569
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For lovers of happily ever afters--this collection of three light and sweet romance stories will sweep you off your feet.

In A Summer Detour by Denise Hunter, you'll meet free-spirited Allie Adams, who undertakes a road trip to deliver her grandparents' newly restored '57 Chevy in time for their fiftieth anniversary party . . . along with Luke Fletcher, the former boy-next-door who callously crushed her heart.

Pining for You by Melissa Ferguson invites you to a cozy Virginia mountain town where Christmas tree farm owner Theo Watkins III has the opportunity to drop everything for one weekend to play farmer and potentially win back the heart of his childhood best friend, Skye Fuller. Only problem? He's the kind of man who drives a Tesla, not a tractor.

Last but not least, He Loves Me; He Loves Me Not by Kathleen Fuller will transport you to a small town in Arkansas where thirty-five-year-old Sophie Morgan has spent years making her flower shop a success. But when this workaholic decides she's ready to make time for dating again, she finds herself with two handsome men vying for her attention.

Whether your perfect romance involves rows and rows of Fraser firs and white pines glinting in the moonlight, childhood love that never ends, or a second chance at a happily ever after, you're sure to find a story within this collection to warm your heart any day of the year.

Praise for This Time Around:

"Cozy up and prepare to lose yourself in this enchanting collection. Each story is as inviting and wonderful as the last. Reunion romances and heartwarming second chances are sure to delight readers." --Nancy Naigle, USA TODAY bestselling author

"Romance readers are in for a sweet treat! Authors Denise Hunter, Melissa Ferguson, and Kathleen Fuller have joined forces for a novella collection all about second chances, making the most of them when they're right in front of you, and fighting for them with everything you've got when necessary. Come for this trio of talented storytellers and stay for the humor, heart, and confident hope that there will be a happily ever after, This Time Around." --Bethany Turner, award-winning author of Plot Twist

  • Perfect for lovers of sweet happily-ever-afters
  • Stand-alone novella collection
  • Book length: 80,000 words
  • Includes discussion questions for book clubs
Denise Hunter 作者作品表

The Summer of You and Me (Paperback)

Before We Were Us ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Before We Were Us (DRM PDF)

Before We Were Us (Paperback)

Before We Were Us (Hardcover)

eBook: Before We Were Us (DRM EPUB)

Love, Unscripted ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Love, Unscripted (DRM PDF)

eBook: Love, Unscripted (DRM EPUB)

Love, Unscripted (Paperback)

Bookshop by the Sea (Mass Market Paperbound)

Wildflower Falls: A Riverbend Romance ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Wildflower Falls (Paperback)

eBook: Wildflower Falls (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Wildflower Falls (DRM PDF)

This Time Around: Three Sweet Romances (Paperback)

A Novel Proposal ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

eBook: Novel Proposal (DRM PDF)

eBook: Novel Proposal (DRM EPUB)

A Novel Proposal (Paperback)

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