A Place Called America: A Story of the Land and People (Hardcover)
作者: Jennifer Thermes 
分類: History & the past: general interest (Children's / Teenage) ,
書城編號: 26120582

原價: HK$252.00
現售: HK$239.4 節省: HK$12.6

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出版社: Abrams Books For Young Readers
出版日期: 2023/08/15
ISBN: 9781419743894
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Through the lens of the land that has come to be known as America, award-winning picture book creator Jennifer Thermes captures centuries of history.

A Place Called America takes the long view of the land's history, from its earliest formation and inhabitants up through today, and challenges its readers to think critically about the stories we tend to take for granted about our own history. Meet those indigenous to the deserts, prairies, forests, and shores of the land called Turtle Island and their relatives whose ideas formed the basis of the Constitution and who contributed in unique ways to World War II and more. Meet immigrant communities who came to the land from all around the world--at different times and against all odds, even with staunch United States immigration policies. And meet enslaved ancestors who were brought to the land against their will and whose labor and experience changed the story forever.

Expert picture book maker Jennifer Thermes deftly weaves the threads of these communities' narratives together, giving each the spotlight they deserve and using the land itself as a unifying lens. Illustrated with colorful, dazzling maps, A Place Called America is a visual delight. It is an info-packed read, with sidebars, an author's note, and a timeline supplementing the accessible text.

Jennifer Thermes 作者作品表

The Indestructible Tom Crean (Hardcover)

The Indestructible Tom Crean (Paperback)

eBook: Indestructible Tom Crean: Heroic Explorer of the Antarctic (DRM EPUB)

Manhattan: Mapping the Story of an Island (Hardcover)

Charles Darwin's Around-the-World Adventure (Hardcover)

eBook: Charles Darwin's Around-the-World Adventure (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sam Bennett's New Shoes (DRM PDF)

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