Nakadai (Paperback)
作者: Walker Zupp 
書城編號: 26122454

售價: $172.00

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出版社: Montag Pr
出版日期: 2022/08/16
重量: 0.3 kg
ISBN: 9781957010144

Twickley, England - when Hiroshi Nakadai is studying for his PhD in Linguistics he comes into contact with a powerful and evil force...

His supervisor, Professor Mutton, has been enslaved by The Great Word: an intergalactic being
hell-bent on conquering the world.

When Nakadai becomes a professor, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Using his phenomenal
intelligence, he decides to fight the Great Word-and confuse the hell out of his PhD student, Nicola, along the way...

"By turns brilliant and knowingly absurd."
- Stephen Gallagher, author of The Authentic William James.

"Kurt Vonnegut meets Ann Quin meets Douglas Adams."
- Rob Magnuson Smith, author of Scorper.

"Nakadai is strange, erudite and above all, hilarious."
- Charlie Gere, Professor of MediaTheory and History at Lancaster University.

Walker Zupp 作者作品表

Wittgenstein Fiction: Portrayals of Ludwig Wittgenstein in Contemporary Western Novels (Paperback)

Fibber (Paperback)

Nakadai (Paperback)

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