Napoleon's Cavalry, Artillery and Technical Corps 1799 1815: History, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)
作者: Gabriele Esposito 
分類: Early modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700 ,
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900 ,
Military history ,
Battles & campaigns ,
c 1800 to c 1900 ,
書城編號: 26126852

原價: HK$350.00
現售: HK$332.5 節省: HK$17.5

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出版社: Pen & Sword Books Ltd
出版日期: 2023/05/30
頁數: 176
尺寸: 246 x 172 mm
ISBN: 9781399089807
>> 相關電子書

Covers Napoleon's cavalry and artillery of the line and the technical corps of engineers etc. Details the organization of the cavalry and artillery regiments, their weapons, equipment and uniforms. Gives an overview of how the various types of cavalry, and artillery, were used in battle.
Gabriele Esposito 作者作品表

Armies of the Hundred Years' War 1337–1453: History, Organization, Weapons, Equipment and Tactics (Hardcover)

Armies of the Steppe Nomads, 376–1227: from the Coming of Attila's Huns to the Death of Genghis, Great Khan of the Mongols (Hardcover)

Armies of Dark Ages Europe, 613-987: Charlemagne, the Carolingians and their Enemies (Hardcover)

The Prussian Army of Frederick the Great, 1740-1786: History, Organization and Uniforms (Hardcover)

The Russian Army 1697 - 1797 (Paperback)

The Roman Army of the Middle Empire, AD 180-284: Weapons, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)

The Late Roman Army: AD 284–565 (Paperback)

The British Army of George II, 1727-1760 (Hardcover)

Armies of the Normans 911-1194: Organization, Equipment and Tactics (Hardcover)

Armies of the Crusaders, 1096-1291: History, Organization, Weapons and Equipment (Hardcover)

Imperial Roman Army: 30 BC-AD 180 (Paperback)

Carthaginian Armies of the Punic Wars, 264 146 BC: History, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)

Armies of the Crimean War, 1853 1856: History, Organization and Equipment of the British, French, Turkish, Piedmontese and Russian forces (Hardcover)

Napoleon's Cavalry, Artillery and Technical Corps 1799 1815: History, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)

Armies of Anglo-Saxon England 410-1066: History, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)


Armies of the First Sino-Japanese War 1894-95 (Paperback)

The The Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359-323 BC: History, Organization and Equipment (Hardcover)

eBook: Wellington's Infantry: British Foot Regiments, 1800-1815 (DRM EPUB)

Armies of Ancient Greece Circa 500 to 338 BC (Hardcover)

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