Child: A Memoir (Compact Disc)
作者: Judy Goldman 
書城編號: 26134045

原價: HK$320.00
現售: HK$304 節省: HK$16

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出版社: Tantor Audio
出版日期: 2022/08/16
ISBN: 9798212313575

A personal meditation on love in the shadow of white privilege and racism Child is the story of Judy Goldman's relationship with Mattie Culp, the Black woman who worked for her family as a live-in maid and helped raise her--the unconscionable scaffolding on which the relationship was built and the deep love. It is also the story of Mattie's child, who was left behind to be raised by someone else. Judy, now eighty, cross-examines what it was to be a privileged white child in the Jim Crow South, how a bond can evolve in and out of step with a changing world, and whether we can ever tell the whole truth, even to ourselves. It is an incandescent book of small moments, heart-warming, heartbreaking, and, ultimately, inspiring.
Judy Goldman 作者作品表

The Rest of Our Lives (Paperback)

¡Es Día de Vivos! / It´s the Day of the Living! (Paperback)

Child: A Memoir (Compact Disc)

Child: A Memoir (MP3 CD)

Oxford Reading Tree Word Sparks: Level 7: Armadillo's Suit (1) (Paperback)

eBook: Together (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Kopecks for Blintzes (DRM EPUB)

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