Following Into Risky Obedience: Prayers Along the Journey (Paperback)
作者: Walter Brueggemann 
書城編號: 26134978

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Westminster Pr
出版日期: 2023/09/05
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780664268275


This collection of prayers by noted Hebrew Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann can be used in both public worship and private devotion. These prayers run the gamut from particular days in the church year to special moments in the lives of worshiping communities to events playing out on the world stage. In all cases, the prayers show us how God accompanies us through all the moments and stages of our life, while simultaneously calling us to do the same for all those whom God has placed alongside us in the journey.

Walter Brueggemann 作者作品表

Unwavering Holiness: Pivotal Moments in the Book of Isaiah, Part One (Paperback)

Grace Abounds: God's Abundance Against the Fear of Scarcity (Paperback)

Elemental Claims of the Gospel (Paperback)

Elemental Claims of the Gospel (Hardcover)

Poverty in the Promised Land: Neighborliness, Resistance, and Restoration (Paperback)

Solomon: Israel's Icon of Human Achievement (Paperback)

Alternative to the Bread of Affliction (Paperback)

Alternative to the Bread of Affliction: And Other Essays (Hardcover)

Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers of Joy (MP3 CD)

Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers of Joy (Compact Disc)

Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers for Joy (Paperback)

eBook: Waiting in Gratitude: Prayers for Joy (DRM EPUB)

An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture (MP3 CD)

Following Into Risky Obedience: Prayers Along the Journey (Compact Disc)

Following Into Risky Obedience: Prayers Along the Journey (MP3 CD)

eBook: Real World Faith (DRM PDF)

eBook: Real World Faith (DRM EPUB)

Real World Faith (Paperback)

Following Into Risky Obedience: Prayers Along the Journey (Paperback)

Acting in the Wake: Prayers for Justice (MP3 CD)

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