Angelina and Henry (Hardcover)
作者: Katharine Holabird 
系列: Angelina Ballerina
分類: Picture books  
書城編號: 26138815

原價: HK$182.00
現售: HK$172.9 節省: HK$9.1

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出版社: Simon & Schuster
出版日期: 2023/09/29
頁數: 32
尺寸: 218 x 264 x 3 mm
ISBN: 9781665939485

The classic bestselling Angelina Ballerina picture book about Angelina and Henry's camping trip is back in a beautiful, refreshed hardcover edition!

Angelina and Henry are so excited to go on a camping trip to the Big Cat Mountains with their Uncle Louie! But when Angelina and Henry can't find their way back to the campsite, will Angelina be able to save the day?

(c) 2023 Helen Craig Ltd and Katharine Holabird. The Angelina Ballerina name and character and the dancing Angelina logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited, Katharine Holabird, and Helen Craig.

Angelina Ballerina

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Bravo, Angelina! (Hardcover)

Angelina Ballerina Keepsake Chapter Book Collection (Boxed Set): Best Big Sister Ever!; Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour; Angelina Ballerina and the D

eBook: Angelina Ballerina and the Fancy Dress Day (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Angelina Ballerina and the Dancing Princess (DRM EPUB)

Angelina and Henry (Hardcover)

Angelina, Star of the Show (Hardcover)

eBook: Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Best Big Sister Ever! (DRM EPUB)

Katharine Holabird 作者作品表

Angelina Ballerina 4 Ballet-Filled Chapter Books in 1!: Best Big Sister Ever!; Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour; Angelina Ballerina and the Dancing Pr

Bravo, Angelina! (Hardcover)

Angelina Ballerina 4 Ballet-Filled Chapter Books in 1!: Best Big Sister Ever!; Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour; Angelina Ballerina and the Dancing Pr

Angelina Ballerina Keepsake Chapter Book Collection (Boxed Set): Best Big Sister Ever!; Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour; Angelina Ballerina and the D

Angelina Ballerina and the Fancy Dress Day (Hardcover)

Angelina and Henry (Hardcover)

Angelina Ballerina Classic Picture Book Collection (Boxed Set): Angelina Ballerina; Angelina and Alice; Angelina and the Princess (Boxed Set) (Hardcov

Angelina, Star of the Show (Hardcover)

Best Big Sister Ever! (Paperback)

Angelina Ballerina's Ballet Tour (Paperback)

Twinkle Collector's Set: Twinkle and the Fairy Cake Mess; Twinkle Twinkle Sparkly Star; Twinkle and the Fairy Flower Garden; Twinkle and the Wi (Boxed

Angelina Ballerina (Hardcover)

Twinkle Makes a Wish (Paperback)

Tames a Dragon (Paperback)

Twinkle Makes a Wish (Hardcover)

Twinkle Tames a Dragon (Hardcover)

Angelina's Cinderella (hardcover)

Twinkle Thinks Pink (Paperback)

Angelina's Christmas (Paperback)

Angelina's Big City Ballet (Hardcover)

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