The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Paperback)
作者: Andrew F. Carter 
分類: Christian prayerbooks ,
Christian life & practice ,
Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works  
書城編號: 26160464

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Chosen Books
出版日期: 2023/11/14
ISBN: 9780800763510
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If there is power in prayer, why do so many of us only offer up quick pleas for help or shortsighted lists of requests? It's because we've lost the biblical vision of what prayer really is: an exciting, risky, faith-filled journey that pushes the limitations of our imaginations because we have unprecedented intimacy with the Creator of the universe.

With his trademark blend of honesty and encouragement that's made him a social media favorite, pastor Andrew F Carter shatters your preconceived notions of prayer, empowering you to

- connect with God in ways you never thought possible
- engage in open, honest, and transparent prayer
- follow the biblical model of prayer
- overcome common hindrances to a vibrant life of prayer
- cultivate a consistent prayer life that isn't motivated by fear or the latest crisis
- discern answers to your prayers

It's not an obligation to speak with God, it's an absolute privilege. A fulfillment of purpose and eternal impact awaits you--and it starts with a simple conversation between you and the One who can do exceedingly more than your wildest dreams.
Andrew F. Carter 作者作品表

Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future (Hardcover)

Pray First Challenge: 60 Devotions to Grow in Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Future (Compact Disc)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (MP3 CD)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Compact Disc)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Paperback)

The Privilege of Prayer: Find Healing, Transformation, and Answers (Hardcover)

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