Libby's London Merchant (Paperback)
作者: Carla Kelly 
書城編號: 26169097

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Camel Pr
出版日期: 2023/05/09
重量: 0.3 kg
ISBN: 9781684920839


Elizabeth "Libby" Ames know nothing about Nesbitt Duke, a London merchant who meets with an accident in front of her uncle's house. A kind woman, she will tend him until he feels better.

Benedict Nesbitt, Duke of Knaresborough, is not in her house by accident at all. In disguise, he's checking out Libby for his best friend, who has it under good authority that she is wealthy and will relieve his financial ills.

No one is who they seem, in this classic Regency Romance by Carla Kelly. Adding more mischief to the matter is Anthony Cook, good-natured but shy country doctor, who uncovers "Mr." Duke's more immediate problem. With the cure come heartache, love, regret and vindication.

But for whom? The doctor who loves Libby? The duke who loves Libby? The brother who needs Libby? Or Libby herself, who must sort out her feelings and make the best of a situation that could ruin her, or save her?

Carla Kelly 作者作品表

The Lady's Companion (Paperback)

eBook: Lady's Companion (DRM EPUB)

Regency Glad Tidings (Paperback)

eBook: Regency Glad Tidings (DRM EPUB)

A Naval Surgeon to Fight for (Original) (Mass Market Paperbound)

A Naval Surgeon To Fight For (Paperback)

eBook: Naval Surgeon To Fight For (DRM EPUB)

The Wedding Journey (Paperback)

eBook: Wedding Journey (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Unlikely Gun Wharf Rats (DRM EPUB)

The Unlikely Gun Wharf Rats (Paperback)

Calico Ball (Paperback)

A Wyoming Summer (Paperback)

eBook: One Good Turn (DRM EPUB)

One Good Turn (Paperback)

eBook: Libby's London Merchant (DRM EPUB)

Libby's London Merchant (Paperback)

eBook: When We Meet Again (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Her Smile (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Necklace (DRM EPUB)

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