In Search of Forever (Paperback)
作者: Patricia Lee 
書城編號: 26169675

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Mountain Brook Ink
出版日期: 2023/05/20
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781953957306

Can they bridge the long gap in their friendship?

Growing up, Jayden Clarke dreamed of becoming a Marine like his late father, who was killed in Afghanistan when Jayden was nine. His foster dad, Kurt, was also a decorated soldier. But his own encounter with a narrowly missed IED in Afghanistan leaves Jayden wounded and honorably discharged. He returns home defeated, his dream destroyed, not certain what his future will hold. Who will he become now? Is there anyone he can turn to?

Two years out of college, Baylie Summers has returned to the Mueller Rescue ranch where her best friend Jayden Clarke once lived as a foster teen. She hasn't seen him since they graduated six years ago, but she's thrilled when she lands the job as the ranch's fundraising newsletter writer. Seeking refuge from the storms of life, Baylie waits for Jayden to return home, hoping he'll have wisdom to help her recover from past incidents she wants to forget. Once a foster child herself, she fears Jayden might not like the woman she's become. Will telling her secret make her lose Jayden forever?

Patricia Lee 作者作品表

By The Grace of God: A True Story of Faith, Love, prayers, and Miracles (Paperback)

Shattered Innocence: Unveiling the Lifelong Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse (Paperback)

In Search of Forever (Paperback)

The Descendant's Daughter (Paperback)

The Sister's Plight (Paperback)

Design Style (Hardcover)

The Island of Cats (Hardcover)

The Life and Times of Charles Frank Field 1850-1950 (Paperback)

The Island of Cats (Paperback)

eBook: Sturtevant: Warhol Marilyn (DRM PDF)

eBook: Sturtevant (DRM EPUB)

eBook: S/He Dragon: How I Found My Wings (DRM EPUB)



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