The Complete Language of Birds: A Definitive and Illustrated History (Hardcover)
作者: Editors of Wellfleet Press 
分類: Folklore, myths & legends ,
Birds (ornithology) ,
Wildlife: birds & birdwatching  
書城編號: 26171598

原價: HK$266.00
現售: HK$252.7 節省: HK$13.3

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出版社: Wellfleet Pr
出版日期: 2024/09/03
重量: 1.09 kg
ISBN: 9781577153740
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Expand your bird knowledge with this gorgeous encyclopedia of nearly 400 bird species around the world, unique for its inclusion of both their physical and mythological characteristics.

If you're a nature lover who thrives on bird videos and photography, go beyond the scope of standard field guides with this comprehensive reference. Each entry of The Complete Language of Birds provides not only the bird's name and physical qualities, but also its history, symbolic meanings, and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore.

Within the pages of this colorful volume, you'll find:

  • Beautiful illustrations and descriptions of common and unusual birds
  • Notes on the surprising properties and powers of birds
  • Discussions of the symbolism and mythological significance of each bird species

Dive into an unusual dimension of historical and arcane knowledge with the study of birds. A collection of fun and interesting facts about birds gathered from science and culture, the stunning illustrations and lively descriptions make this an engaging guide you'll return to again and again.

Elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated, the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series offers comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing topics, including dream interpretation, techniques for harnessing the power of dreams, flower meanings, and the stories behind signs and symbols.

Also available in the series: Complete Book of Dreams, Complete Language of Flowers, Complete Language of Herbs, Signs & Symbols of the World, Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, and Complete Language of Food.

Editors of Wellfleet Press 作者作品表

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Roots and Legends: Folktales from African Culture (Hardcover)

The Complete Language of Birds: A Definitive and Illustrated History (Hardcover)

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