Mihi Ever After: Off the Rails (Hardcover)
作者: Tae Keller 
書城編號: 26178229

原價: HK$190.00
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出版社: Henry Holt
出版日期: 2024/02/06
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781250814258
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Mihi and her friends are heading back to the Rainbow Realm--and this time, they have to save the princess.

Mihi, Reese, and Savannah thought their fairy tale realm adventures were over. But just as they were getting ready to go home, they learn that their first friend in the realm, Princess Pat, has disappeared on a quest of her own. Pat is traveling around the fairy world trying to gather enough magic to save the Rainbow Realm, but the journey is too dangerous, and Mihi, Reese, and Savannah are the only ones that can save her.

But as the girls chase after Princess Pat, they meet creatures and learn stories they've never heard of before, from cultures all over the world. And slowly, they realize Princess Pat might be the problem. Can they save the fairy tale world from their friend's destructive quest?

Tae Keller 作者作品表

Mihi Ever After: Off the Rails (Paperback)

Mihi Ever After: Home Sweet Home (Hardcover)

Mihi Ever After: Off the Rails (Hardcover)

A Giant Problem ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Mihi Ever After ((Large Print)) (Library Binding)

Mihi Ever After: A Giant Problem (Hardcover)

Mihi Ever After (Paperback)

Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (Paperback)

When You Trap a Tiger (Hardcover)

eBook: Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (DRM EPUB)

Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (Paperback)

When You Trap a Tiger (Paperback)

eBook: Cuando atrapas un tigre (DRM EPUB)

eBook: When You Trap a Tiger (DRM EPUB)

When You Trap a Tiger (hardcover)

When You Trap a Tiger (hardcover)

When You Trap a Tiger : Winner of the 2021 Newbery Medal (Paperback)

eBook: Science of Breakable Things (DRM EPUB)

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