It Ends with Knight (Compact Disc)
作者: Yasmin Angoe 
書城編號: 26182557

原價: HK$390.00
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出版社: Brilliance Audio
出版日期: 2023/09/05
ISBN: 9798400115547


In this thrilling conclusion of the Nena Knight series, the trained assassin will have to confront the ghosts of her past...before she becomes one herself.

Until his untimely death, Nena's mentor was the backbone of the Tribe. With his leadership position unfilled and despite the Tribe's newfound misgivings about her, Nena has stepped into a new role she never wanted.

Politics is an entirely new venture for her, and now one of the Tribe's own has been kidnapped, forcing her back to her origins as an assassin. But the only person qualified for such a rescue mission is Nena Knight--and a new team whose trust in her continues to waver.

Determined to harness the power of her former role to succeed in her new one, Nena must also face what she left behind. Old fears, resentments, and anger threaten the precarious hold Nena has on her new life as she realizes that the past--and the people from it--are never far behind.

Yasmin Angoe 作者作品表

Not What She Seems (Compact Disc)

Not What She Seems (MP3 CD)

Not What She Seems (Paperback)

Not What She Seems (Hardcover)

It Ends with Knight (Hardcover)

It Ends with Knight (Paperback)

It Ends with Knight (Compact Disc)

It Ends with Knight (MP3 CD)

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