In My Skin: Learning to Love Your Perfectly Imperfect Life (Hardcover)
分類: Autobiography: arts & entertainment ,
True stories of heroism, endurance & survival ,
Violence in society ,
書城編號: 26183958

原價: HK$238.00
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出版社: Spck Pub
出版日期: 2024/04/18
ISBN: 9780281089406
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It's taken 27 years for Sophie Lee to feel comfortable in her skin. This the real-life story of one woman's courage in rising from the ashes as she learns to discover that true beauty is more than skin deep in a society that so often tells us otherwise.

When twenty-three-year-old Sophie Lee was booked to perform at a huge event in Chicago, she thought it was a dream come true. Little did Sophie know it was about to become her nightmare, when a dramatic fire-dancing accident left Sophie with life-changing injuries. The model faced years of operations and recovery to treat the keloid scar that developed on her face and neck. Having worked as a model and dancer, the idea of being disfigured was terrifying.

But long before the accident, Sophie had faced bullying because of her Chinese heritage. At every stage of her life, Sophie has been forced to muster her strength and push back against those who said she wasn't good enough.

This bold memoir is a demonstration of the healing power of resilience, kindness and family. Sophie encourages us all that it doesn't matter how we look or where we're from, we're all beautiful in our own skin.

Inspired by her own story of overcoming adversity, Katie Piper's The UnSeen is a publishing collection that sheds light on the untold stories of hope that deserve to be heard. In My Skin is the second book in Katie Piper's UnSeen series, also featuring Down Syndrome Vogue-cover-girl Ellie Goldstien's book Against All Odds.

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