Festival de la Barca del Dragón de China (Library Binding)
作者: Grace Hansen 
書城編號: 26186943

原價: HK$342.00
現售: HK$324.9 節省: HK$17.1

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出版社: Abdo Kids Jumbo
出版日期: 2023/08/01
重量: 0.36 kg
ISBN: 9781098267667

Learn all about the history and cultural significance that the exciting Dragon Boat Festival event holds around the world today. This title is complete with historical and modern illustrations and photographs, as well as a glossary and a closer look at the parts of a dragon boat! Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers and immersion school educators.
Grace Hansen 作者作品表

Snoopy (Library Binding)

Pastries from Around the World (Library Binding)

Garfield (Library Binding)

Mickey Mouse (Library Binding)

Pikachu (Library Binding)

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Deep-Fried Desserts from Around the World (Library Binding)

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Dinosaur Jumbo: Books Out Loud Collection (Hardcover)

La Migración del Pingüino Emperador (Library Binding)

La Migración de la Ballena Gris (Library Binding)

Dragones (Library Binding)

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