Hades vs. Anubis: The Deadly Duel (Paperback)
作者: Lydia Lukidis 
書城編號: 26191088

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Capstone Pr
出版日期: 2023/08/01
重量: 0.1 kg
ISBN: 9781669016298

Get ready for a battle to rule the Underworld! The Greek god Hades is the king of the underworld and has power over the souls of the dead and the riches in the earth. But the Egyptian god Anubis also claims to rule the underworld and protect the souls of the dead. If these two ancient gods battled it out one-on-one, who would come out on top? Compare and contrast Hades' and Anubis' strengths, powers, and weaknesses in this Mythology Matchup.
Lydia Lukidis 作者作品表

Groucho the Grouchy Groundhog (Hardcover)

Up, Up High: The Secret Poetry of Earth's Atmosphere (Hardcover)

Hades vs Anubis: The Deadly Duel (Paperback)

Hel vs Persephone: Fight for the Underworld (Paperback)

Horse (Library Binding)

Wild Horse (Paperback)

Wild Horse (Library Binding)

Horse (Paperback)

Mouse (Library Binding)

Mouse (Paperback)

Frigga vs Aphrodite: Battle of the Beauties (Paperback)

Odin vs Ares: The Legendary Face-Off (Paperback)

Hiding from the Nazis in Plain Sight: A Graphic Novel Biography of Zhanna and Frina Arshanskaya (Paperback)

Deep, Deep Down: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench (Paperback)

Zeus vs Ra: Cosmic Clash of the Gods (Paperback)

Dancing Through Space: Dr. Mae Jemison Soars to New Heights (Hardcover)

Hel vs Persephone: Fight for the Underworld (Hardcover)

Hades vs Anubis: The Deadly Duel (Hardcover)

Deep, Deep Down: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench (Paperback)

Odin vs Ares: The Legendary Face-Off (Hardcover)

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