Suni Lee: Gymnastics Superstar (Hardcover)
作者: Cheryl Kim 
書城編號: 26191111

原價: HK$313.00
現售: HK$297.35 節省: HK$15.65

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出版社: Capstone Pr
出版日期: 2023/08/01
重量: 0.25 kg
ISBN: 9781669018124

Suni Lee was already the first Hmong American to compete for USA Gymnastics when she surprised the world by winning the all-around gold medal. From a homemade balance beam in her backyard to winning gold at the Olympics, Lee always keeps her family and heritage close. Get more details about this gymnastics superstar's journey to the top.
Cheryl Kim 作者作品表

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Shohei Ohtani: Baseball Trailblazer (Paperback)

Suni Lee: Gymnastics Superstar (Hardcover)

Suni Lee: Gymnastics Superstar (Paperback)

Your Passport to Japan (Hardcover)

Your Passport to Japan (Paperback)

Naomi Osaka: Grand Slam Champ (Hardcover)

Sky Brown: Skateboarding Phenomenon (Hardcover)

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