Discover Your Blind Spots: Rid Yourself of Relational Time Bombs (Paperback)
作者: Mark Baxter 
書城編號: 26196797

原價: HK$180.00
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出版社: Abbott Laboratories
出版日期: 2023/03/21
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9781088125434


Each of us has blind spots that can hamper our making and maintaining meaningful relationships. Although over time we may come to recognize them, they are typically hidden, unseen by us, which is why we call them "blind spots." They are aspects of our behavior that do damage to our relationships with others. Some of us are continually reminded of them by others, but we either refuse to see them or simply don't know what to do to eliminate them from our lives. If left alone, they develop and in time can do terrible damage to ourselves and those we love.

In this book, author Mark Baxter reveals seventeen of the most common blind spots that foul relationships, and offers examples of how they do and how we can identify them, and process them out of our lives so we can be more Christlike. This book could quite well save a meaningful relationship that you have. Please don't wait until it's too late. God's plan is to conform you to the image of His Son, Jesus.

Allow this to be your guidebook, and Mark to be your guide. Rid yourself today of debilitating blind spots today. Get your copy today.

Mark Baxter 作者作品表

Discover Your Blind Spots: Rid Yourself of Relational Time Bombs (Paperback)

Go: When Going Becomes Your Modus Operandi, Life Gets Crazy Good! (Paperback)

Discover Your Blind Spots: Rid Yourself of Relational Time Bombs (Paperback)

Hard Day's Month (Paperback)

Mumper (Paperback)

Walworth Through Time (Paperback)

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