Flight of Ascension, Part One: The Violet Prophecy (Paperback)
作者: Hudson 
書城編號: 26197417

原價: HK$220.00
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出版社: Moshpit Pub
出版日期: 2023/03/28
重量: 0.62 kg
ISBN: 9781922912688


In the quiet villages of Greater Horrewick, gem of the Southern Regions, those peaceful farming and fishing communities struggle under the yoke of Aaellionia. Once again forced to appease the city Selection they must pay with their own son's lives. Marching on the villages, the soldiers have made one fateful mistake, this year, they have unwittingly selected a girl. A violet eyed girl the ancient one deems prophecy.

With the followers, a band of hastily selected village folk, wanting their children back, travel through the forests, native jungles, sweltering deserts, pirate filled oceans and nightmare fuelled deep ravines throughout Aaellionia. Via blue tones flying men, floating crystal powered barges, unsuspecting megarean beasts, train driving trolls, pack driven werewolves and fighting forces of a struggling wizard nation driven by a maddened and ageing emperor, to a narcissistic King wanting nothing more than the sport of those subjugated children.

Who will survive?

Who can survive?

Hudson 作者作品表

Africana Womanism: An Introduction to Elevate Humanity (Hardcover)

Glitz. Glamour. Murder.: Hollywood Has It All (Hardcover)

Glitz. Glamour. Murder.: Hollywood Has It All (Paperback)

The New Practice of Cookery, Pastry, Baking, and Preserving: Being the Country Housewife's Best Friend (Hardcover)

Flight of Ascension, Part One: The Violet Prophecy (Paperback)

POKEMON SCARLET AND VIOLET The Complete Guide: Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks, Strategies and More (Paperback)

Sunbathing is Permitted (Paperback)

The New Practice of Cookery, Pastry, Baking, and Preserving: Being the Country Housewife's Best Friend (Paperback)

Law on Financial Derivatives, The 6th Edition

Securities Law 2nd Edition

Law and Regulation of Finance, The 2nd Edition

Hudson Law of Finance 2nd Edition

Geographi Graeci Minores: Hudsonianae Editionis Adnotationes Integras Cum Dodwelli Dissertationibus Edidit, Suasque Et Variorum Adjecit ... (Paperback

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