The Magnificent Book of Monsters (Hardcover)
作者: Diana Ferguson 
書城編號: 26200592

原價: HK$200.00
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出版社: Weldon Owen
出版日期: 2023/07/18
重量: 0.8 kg
ISBN: 9781681888750

Meet ghastly beasts, flesh-eating fiends, shapeshifting spirits, deadly demons, and terrible trolls.

From the man-eating Manticore and the dastardly demon Beelzebub to the corpse-munching Aztec goddess Coatlicue and the southern African tokoloshe, monsters from across the globe and many different cultures are brought to life in this large-format volume bursting with detailed full-color images and fascinating facts.

Learn why seeing the Morr

Diana Ferguson 作者作品表

The Magnificent Book of Monsters (Hardcover)

The Magnificent Book of Monsters (Hardcover)

Old Wives' Lore for Gardeners (Hardcover)

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