Sticker Dolly Dressing on Vacation (Paperback)
作者: Lucy Bowman 
書城編號: 26200760

原價: HK$100.00
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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2023/06/27
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9781805070351

The sticker dollies are on an exciting world tour: visiting the Egyptian pyramids, trekking through a tropical jungle and enjoying a colorful Venetian carnival. Children can use over 400 hundred stickers to dress the dolls in swimsuits, snowsuits and scuba diving equipment as they travel around the world visiting a tropical beach, ski slopes and even a coral reef. Perforated sticker pages mean there's no need to flip through the pages looking for the right sticker.
Lucy Bowman 作者作品表

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Bugs (Paperback)

Antarctica (Paperback)

Rainforests (Paperback)

Dinosaurs Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Sticker Dolly Dressing Best Friends (Paperback)

Usborne Chess Book (Spiral)

Fortune Tellers to Fold (Paperback)

Sticker Dolly Dressing on Vacation (Paperback)

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Sticker Dolly Dressing Popstars (Paperback)

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Travel Puzzles (Paperback)

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