Freeman's: Conclusions (Paperback)
作者: John Freeman 
書城編號: 26202580

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Grove Pr
出版日期: 2023/10/10
重量: 0.32 kg
ISBN: 9780802161475


Featuring new work from Rebecca Makkai, Aleksandar Hemon, Rachel Khong, Louise Erdrich, and more, the tenth and final installment of the boundary-pushing literary journal Freeman's, which explores all the ways of coming to an end

Over the course of ten years, Freeman's has introduced the English-speaking world to countless writers of international import and acclaim, from Olga Tokarczuk to Valeria Luiselli, while also spotlighting brilliant writers working in English, from Tommy Orange to Tess Gunty. Now, in its last issue, this unique literary project ponders all the ways of reaching a fitting conclusion.

For Sayaka Murata, keeping up with the comings and goings of fashion and its changing emotional landscapes can mean being left behind, while in her poem "Amenorrhea," Julia Alvarez experiences the end of a line as menstruation ceases. Yet sometimes an end is merely a beginning, as Barry Lopez meditates while walking through the snowy Oregonian landscapes. While Chinelo Okparanta's story "Fatu" confronts the end of a relationship under the specter of new life, other writers look towards aging as an opportunity for rebirth, such as Honor

John Freeman 作者作品表

Freeman's: Conclusions (Paperback)

Handbook of Cardiovascular Biomarkers: Pathophysiology and Disease Management (Hardcover)

eBook: Freeman's Conclusions (DRM EPUB)

Freeman's Conclusions (Main) (Paperback)

Poems New and Old (Hardcover)

Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life (Hardcover)

A Portrait of George Moore in a Study of his Work (Hardcover)

Life Of The Rev. William Kirby ... Rector Of Barham (Hardcover)

A Portrait of George Moore in a Study of his Work (Paperback)

Life Of The Rev. William Kirby ... Rector Of Barham (Paperback)

Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life (Paperback)

Poems New and Old (Paperback)

Silly Sod to Silly Sid (and Back Again) (Paperback)

eBook: Wind, Trees (DRM EPUB)

Freeman's Animals (Paperback)

Freeman's: Animals (Paperback)

Freeman's Change (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Penguin Book of the Modern American Short Story (DRM EPUB)

Freeman's Love (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Tales of Two Planets (DRM EPUB)

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