Metallica All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track (Hardcover)
作者: Benoît Clerc 
分類: Heavy Metal music ,
Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups  
書城編號: 26208264

原價: HK$700.00
現售: HK$665 節省: HK$35

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出版社: Mitchell Beazley
出版日期: 2023/10/10
ISBN: 9781784728939
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The latest in the bestselling All the Songs series, this is the most in-depth exploration of Metallica's songs ever written.

The latest book in the bestselling All the Songs series, this is the most in-depth exploration of Metallica's songs ever written.

From their widely circulated demo, No Life 'til Leather, all the way to their 10th studio album Hardwired... to Self-Destruct - Metallica have earned the title of the biggest heavy metal band on the planet. Their albums, including the hugely influential Master of Puppets, are now considered classics of rock and metal, while singles such as Enter Sandman, Fade to Black and For Whom the Bell Tolls have stood the test of time. Follow the epic journey of the godfathers of thrash metal, song-by-song, and see how they became one of the biggest selling bands in the world.

No stone is left unturned across more than 500 pages, illustrated with incredible photography throughout, from the inspiration behind the lyrics and melodies to the recording process and even the musicians and producers who worked on each track.

Uncover the stories behind the music in this truly definitive book - a must-have for every Metallica fan.

Benoît Clerc 作者作品表

Abba: All The Songs (Hardcover)

Metallica All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track (Hardcover)

eBook: David Bowie (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Queen (DRM EPUB)

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