A Cruise Fling (Paperback)
作者: Laura Brown 
書城編號: 26215382

售價: $160.00

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出版社: Independently Published
出版日期: 2023/03/27
重量: 0.33 kg
ISBN: 9798388814081

CRUISE /kro͞oz/ verb
  1. To sail in an area, especially for pleasure
  2. To look for someone...definitely for pleasure
Mackenzie Laurel is done with rotten lemons. Especially the guy kind. With no relationship, no job, and nowhere to live, Mac's leaving reality behind to go on a luxury cruise. Sun. Sand. Ocean breezes. Heaven. Of course, a little fun in the sun wouldn't hurt. And a certain green-eyed passenger might just be the thirst-quenching lemonade she needs...

Cole Matterhorn isn't a relationship guy. Hell, he can barely commit to leftovers. Yet the second he meets Mac, there's sparks-the kind that could mean some delicious distraction. Distraction that Cole desperately needs to escape from his work problems and the event that imploded any chance of his having a normal life.

Mac and Cole have more in common than just chemistry. She's hard of hearing and knows a little something about not always fitting in-and that his prosthetic does not define him. For 9 days they're both having the time of their lives, whether it's their failed trivia attempts, heating things up on a Caribbean beach, or even a sexy karaoke serenade.

Now it's only a matter of time before they hit the shore-and reality.

Laura Brown 作者作品表

Dixit Poems (Paperback)

Maths Activity Book for Kids (Paperback)

eBook: Counterhuman Imaginary: Earthquakes, Lapdogs, and Traveling Coinage in Eighteenth-Century Literature (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Counterhuman Imaginary: Earthquakes, Lapdogs, and Traveling Coinage in Eighteenth-Century Literature (DRM PDF)

A Cruise Fling (Compact Disc)

A Cruise Fling (MP3 CD)

The Un-Arranged Marriage (MP3 CD)

The Un-Arranged Marriage (Compact Disc)

eBook: Cruise Fling (DRM EPUB)

A Cruise Fling (Paperback)

eBook: Un-Arranged Marriage (DRM EPUB)

About That Night (MP3 CD)

About That Night (Compact Disc)

Matzah Ball Surprise (MP3 CD)

Matzah Ball Surprise (Compact Disc)

Wrong Number (Compact Disc)

Wrong Number (MP3 CD)

eBook: About That Night (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Matzah Ball Surprise (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fables of Modernity: Literature and Culture in the English Eighteenth Century (DRM PDF)

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