Lego Space: 1978-1992 (Hardcover)
作者: Lego 
分類: Hobbies, quizzes & games  
書城編號: 26219968

原價: HK$500.00
現售: HK$475 節省: HK$25

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出版社: Dark Horse Comics
出版日期: 2023/12/05
ISBN: 9781506725185


An oversized full-color hardcover volume exploring the birth and early life of LEGO Space--the iconic toy line that inspired imagination and exploration the world over!

LEGO toys have sparked creativity and joy for generations, delighting families with each and every new connection. Now, LEGO Space: 1978-1992 explores the latter half of the twentieth century through the lens of LEGO Space--illuminating the brand's own history alongside the popular culture and world events that helped to shape it.

This collection includes statistics and trivia for each set from across nearly two decades, fascinating insights of the LEGO Group as a company, and celebrations of the talented designers who helped to create each essential piece and kit.

This gorgeous chronicle is perfect for LEGO fans and builders of all ages, and will excite any reader with an interest in the fascinating history of the peerless and classic building toy!

Lego 作者作品表

LEGO 2026 Wall Calendar (Calendar)

LEGO Butterflies & Blooms 1000-Piece Puzzle (Jigsaw)

LEGO Note Brick (Multicolor) (Postcard book or pack)

LEGO Brick Erasers (Multicolor) (General merchandise)

Lego Masterpiece 1000-Piece Puzzle (Hardcover)

LEGO Mystery Minifigure Puzzles Space Edition 12 Copy CDU (Jigsaw)

Lego Christmas Tree Puzzle: Four Connecting 100-Piece Puzzles (Hardcover)

Lego Botanical Playing Cards (Board Games)

eBook: LEGO Botanical Almanac: A Field Guide to Brick-Built Blooms (DRM EPUB)

eBook: LEGO Botanical Almanac: A Field Guide to Brick-Built Blooms (DRM PDF)

Lego Botanical Almanac: A Field Guide to Brick-Built Blooms (Hardcover)

Lego Space: 1978-1992 (Hardcover)

LEGO Mystery Minifigure Puzzles 12 Copy CDU (GREEN: Animal Edition) (Jigsaw)

Lego Christmas Train Puzzle: Four Connecting 100-Piece Puzzles (Hardcover)

Lego How We Create Inspiration Deck

Lego Mystery Minifigure Mini Puzzle (Animal Editio

2024 Daily Cal: LEGO Minifigure a Day (Calendar)

2024 Wall Cal: LEGO (Calendar)

Lego Brick Botanicals 1,000-Piece Puzzle

Lego Minifigure Rainbow 1000piece Puzzle (Board Games)

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