Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 5 (Manga) (Paperback)
作者: Funa 
分類: Adventure ,
Fantasy ,
Graphic novels: Manga  
書城編號: 26220018

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Kodansha Comics
出版日期: 2024/02/13
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9781646518494

When life gives you another world, you take it for all it's worth! The irreverant new isekai adventure from the creator of Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! and I Shall Survive Using Potions! Anime streaming now!

After growing up an orphan, Mitsuha has a healthy respect for money and a desire to live well--at least, until she dies after being pushed off a cliff. Waking up in a strange fantasy world, Mitsuha narrowly survives an encounter with a pack of wolves, then realizes she has the power to move between this world and the real one. A lesser person might embark on heroic adventures--Mitsuha instead immediately recognizes the lucrative possibilities of her new situation, and heads out to buy an arsenal of modern weapons. Her goal: to acquire 80,000 gold, and the life of leisure she's always dreamed of!

Funa 作者作品表

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 10 (Manga) (Paperback)

Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Manga) Vol. 5 (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 7 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 9 (Manga) (Paperback)

Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Light Novel) Vol. 19 (Paperback)

I Shall Survive Using Potions! Volume 9 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 6 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 8 (Manga) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 5 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 7 (Manga) (Paperback)

Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Light Novel) Vol. 18 (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 4 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 6 (Manga) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 5 (Manga) (Paperback)

eBook: I Shall Survive Using Potions! Volume 9 (DRM EPUB)

Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?! (Light Novel) Vol. 17 (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 4 (Manga) (Paperback)

I Shall Survive Using Potions! Volume 8 (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 3 (Light Novel) (Paperback)

Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement 3 (Manga) (Paperback)

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