Rock 'n' Roll: A New Play (Reissue) (Paperback)
作者: Tom Stoppard 
書城編號: 26232132

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Grove Atlantic
出版日期: 2023/12/05
重量: 0.16 kg
ISBN: 9780802160799


"One of the great political plays in the English language."--Sunday Times (UK)

It is 1968, and the world is ablaze with rebellion. Clutching his prized collection of rock albums, Jan, a Cambridge graduate student, returns to his homeland of Czechoslovakia just as Soviet tanks roll into Prague. When security forces tighten their grip on artistic expression, Jan is inexorably drawn toward a dangerous act of dissent. Back in England, Jan's volcanic mentor Max, a communist Marxist, faces a crisis of his own as his cancer-stricken wife Eleanor, and then his free-spirited daughter Esme, witness the breakdown of his ideals. Winner of the Evening Standard's Best Play Award, Rock 'n' Roll moves between Cambridge and Prague, where lives spin and intersect with history until an unexpected reunion draws together what was worth the fight: the possibility of freedom and love.

Tom Stoppard 作者作品表

Rock 'n' Roll (Main) (Paperback)

Jumpers (Reissue) (Paperback)

The Real Inspector Hound and Other Plays (Paperback)

Rock 'n' Roll: A New Play (Reissue) (Paperback)

The Invention of Love (Paperback)

Penelope (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Penelope (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Hard Problem (mp3 zips)

eBook: Leopoldstadt (DRM EPUB)

Leopoldstadt (Main) (Hardcover)

Leopoldstadt (Paperback)

eBook: Hard Problem (DRM EPUB)

The Hard Problem (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Arcadia (DRM EPUB)

Travesties (Paperback)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Paperback)

Fifteen Minute Hamlet (Paperback)

eBook: Hapgood (DRM EPUB)

Hapgood (Main) (Paperback)

eBook: Hard Problem: A Play (DRM EPUB)

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