Feel the Force: Revealing the Physics Secrets That Rule the Universe (Hardcover)
作者: Mike Barfield 
書城編號: 26238187

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Laurence King Pub
出版日期: 2023/10/03
重量: 0.54 kg
ISBN: 9781510230446

Following The Element in the Room and That's Life! this fun and beautiful book will have young scientists unlocking the world of Physics, seeing how the same physical laws which govern the wider universe are also at play much closer to home. Covering motion, forces, gravity, energy, and much more, this engaging and accessible guide is complete with history comics to bring the stories to life and hands-on experiments to try at home. Get ready for an adventure as we reveal the rules that run the universe, all from the comfort of your kitchen counter!
Mike Barfield 作者作品表

A Day in the Life of Dinosaurs, Dead Kings and Other Discovered Things: A Laugh-Out-Loud Guide to the World’s Most Wonderful Discoveries (Paperback)

Planet Earth: My Life So Far: An Autobiography of Our World (Paperback)


The Wild Life of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals: The Amazing Lives of Earth's Earliest Animals (Paperback)

The World’s First Rollercoaster: and Other Amazing Inventions (Paperback)

Feel the Force: Revealing the Physics Secrets That Rule the Universe (Hardcover)


The Wild Life of Animals (Hardcover)

A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars, and the Distant Stars (Hardcover)

The Wild Life of Animals: The Secret Lives of Astounding Animals (Paperback)

A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars (Paperback)

Every Day Amazing: Fantastic Facts for Every Day of the Year (Hardcover)

That's Life!: Looking for the Living Things All Around You (Hardcover)

eBook: Els set regnes dels éssers vius (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Los siete reinos de los seres vivos (DRM EPUB)

Copycat Science: Step into the shoes of the world's greatest scientists (Paperback)

The Element in the Room: Investigating the Atomic Ingredients that Make Up Your Home (Hardcover)

Mischief Maker's Handbook (Paperback)

Flight School (Paperback)

Pop Out Art (Paperback)

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