Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)
作者: Atinuke 
書城編號: 26247374

原價: HK$80.00
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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2023/09/26
重量: 0.09 kg
ISBN: 9781536231175

Back in Africa after a month's visit with Granny Canada, Anna Hibiscus finds that some things are different--but her home is just as full of love--in this fifth warm and funny chapter-book adventure.

When Anna Hibiscus returns to her big house in Nigeria after visiting her Canadian grandmother, it seems like so much has changed. Her baby brothers, Double and Trouble, have learned to run, while Grandfather looks older and smaller. Anna had been nervous about going to Canada, where everything was new and strange, but she didn't expect coming home to be difficult, too. What if her family doesn't love her as much as before? Meanwhile, the household hen has hatched all but one egg, which Anna keeps warm until a white ball of fluff appears . . . right in her hand! She names her now-constant companion Snow White, but the chick wreaks havoc wherever it goes. How can Anna possibly keep it out of trouble? Luckily, a surprise arrives at the compound to take Anna's mind off her troubles: a visitor who's come all the way from Canada!

Atinuke 作者作品表

100 Goats and Granny! (Hardcover)

You're Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

You're Amazing, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Go Well, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Go Well, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Beti and the Little Round House (Hardcover)

L Is for Love (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Compact Disc)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Gets Tough (Paperback)

Brilliant Black British History (Paperback)

Beti and the Little Round House (Hardcover)

Baby, Sleepy Baby (Paperback)

L is for Love (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola and the Three Fine Girls (Paperback)

Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Welcome Home, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Merry Christmas, Anna Hibiscus! (Paperback)

Merry Christmas, Anna Hibiscus! (Hardcover)

Too Small Tola Makes It Count (Paperback)

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