Employees and managers alike seek ways to be happy and effective in the workplace--an arena in which we all spend many hours of our week. Community is an essential ingredient in a healthy and productive work environment: when asked what people like about their jobs, it's not uncommon to hear "We're like a family," or "Here, I'm part of a community." Considering the numerous models conceptualized to support creation of emotionally satisfying and behaviorally productive work settings, it is perhaps surprising that the topic of community at work has been underexplored. Based on sound theoretical foundations and empirical findings from the science of management and community research and action, Building Community at Work guides scholars, employees, and leaders of organizations toward creating communities at work in any institutional sector. To make abstract theory concrete, Neil Boyd weaves scientific models and concepts together with the story of a young business owner's journey to becoming an industry leader in building communities. The book also provides practical considerations for professionals to analyze and conceive ways to create communities at work. In Boyd's accessible and grounded analysis, find the building blocks for transforming the workplace into a flourishing community.