Alma and Her Family/Alma Y Su Familia (Board Books)
作者: Juana Martinez-Neal 
書城編號: 26250429

原價: HK$90.00
現售: HK$85.5 節省: HK$4.5

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出版社: Candlewick Books
出版日期: 2023/09/05
重量: 0.29 kg
ISBN: 9780763693626

Meet Alma's family . . . in two languages! The beloved star of the Caldecott Honor Book Alma and How She Got Her Name appears in a series of joy-filled bilingual board books featuring words and simple phrases in English and Spanish.

I play with my cousins. / Juego con mis primas.
I sing to Pajarito. / Le canto a Pajarito.

How much does little Alma love her family? She kisses her daddy, squeezes her mommy, laughs with her grandma, and . . . paints on her artist grandpa (such a good sport!). Juana Martinez-Neal's bilingual board book brings back familiar characters and introduces new ones in a conversational narration (shown in both languages on every spread) as well as gentle illustrations exuding whimsy and warmth.

Juana Martinez-Neal 作者作品表

Alma and How She Got Her Name (Compact Disc)

Alma and How She Got Her Name (MP3 CD)

Alma, Where Is Pajarito?/Alma, ¿Dónde Está Pajarito? (Board Books)

Alma at Home/Alma En Casa (Board Books)

Alma, Head to Toe /Alma, de Pies a Cabeza (Board Books)

Alma and Her Family/Alma Y Su Familia (Board Books)

Alma and How She Got Her Name (Paperback)

Alma Y Cómo Obtuvo Su Nombre (Alma and How She Got Her Name) (Compact Disc)

Alma Y Cómo Obtuvo Su Nombre (Alma and How She Got Her Name) (MP3 CD)

Alma and How She Got Her Name (Compact Disc)

Alma and How She Got Her Name (MP3 CD)

Alma and How She Got Her Name (hardcover)

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