Boredom Busters: Animals Sticker Activity: Mazes, Connect the Dots, Find the Differences, and Much More! (Paperback)
作者: Tiger Tales 
書城編號: 26267073

原價: HK$100.00
現售: HK$95 節省: HK$5

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出版社: Tiger Tales
出版日期: 2023/05/02
重量: 0.57 kg
ISBN: 9781664340541

This activity book introduces young readers to animals found in the forest, on the farm, in the jungle, and more through a variety of activities, including connect the dots, coloring, guided drawing, and find the differences. Includes 350 stickers!

Children will love to learn about the animals of the forest, farm, jungle and more with this engaging sticker activity book! Young readers can complete mazes and coloring pages, connect the dots, unscramble words, find the differences between pictures, and more as they learn the names of a number of animals and where they live. Includes interactive prompts throughout, an answer key, and 350 stickers to use to complete the activities.

Tiger Tales 作者作品表

A is for Apple - First Words (Board Books)

Farm: My First Touch and Explore (Board Books)

Noisy Animal 3-Book Boxed Set: My First Touch and Feel Sound Books: Noisy Baby Animals; Noisy Farm; Noisy Animals (Hardcover)

My Busy Baby Animals Coloring Book (Paperback)

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Board Books)

My Busy Halloween Coloring Book (Paperback)

Boredom Busters: Things That Go Sticker Activity: Mazes, Connect the Dots, Find the Differences, and Much More! (Paperback)

Boredom Busters: Animals Sticker Activity: Mazes, Connect the Dots, Find the Differences, and Much More! (Paperback)

My Busy Dinosaur Coloring Book (Paperback)

All about Trees Sticker Activity Book (Paperback)

All about Birds Sticker Activity Book (Paperback)

My Busy Construction Coloring Book (Paperback)

Baby's First Bunny (To Baby with Love)

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