A Darling Lovebug Summer (Hardcover)
作者: Tanya Rumford 
書城編號: 26267133

售價: $260.00

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出版社: Braddock Avenue
出版日期: 2023/05/30
重量: 0.73 kg
ISBN: 9781732894044


A funeral.

Four clues.

An adventure they never saw coming.

As children, the four Baker cousins were inseparable, each sweltering Georgia summer spent playing at Gram and Gramp's lake house, immersed in an endless world of fun and make-believe.

Now adults, Gram's death brings them together for the first time in two years. Each of the cousins (struggling mom, Emeline; withdrawn, Wyatt; hotheaded, Geoff; globetrotting, Belinda) are eager to pay their respects and return to their own lives and problems.

But when the bizarre items left to them in Gram's will emerge as clues to a deep-rooted family secret, the cousins must put their differences aside and embark on one last adventure together: a road trip to Daytona Beach, where their grandmother's complicated past is unraveled, one clue at a time. But can they right their grandmother's wrongs before their own secrets tear them apart?

A beach read with a punch, A Darling Lovebug Summer is a heartwarming and suspenseful tale of love, friendship, and the decisions we make to protect those we care about.

Tanya Rumford 作者作品表

A Darling Lovebug Summer (Paperback)

A Darling Lovebug Summer (Hardcover)

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