Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient (Paperback)
作者: Phillips 
分類: Family & health  
書城編號: 26270807

售價: $700.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 7-14 天

出版社: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
出版日期: 2023/10/26
尺寸: 254 x 203 mm
ISBN: 9781119809098

Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient

Manage patient diet and nutrition with this comprehensive guide

Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient provides the first comprehensive evidence-based overview of the nutritional and dietary therapies for surgical patients. It takes clinicians through every stage of surgery, from pre-operative and immediate post-operative care, through to long term recovery and survivorship. This book describes the impact of surgical procedures and their complications and the effect these have on nutritional status as well as the nutritional strategies utilised to manage patients in these settings. The result is a valuable survey of this essential aspect of surgery.

Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient features case studies which capture both typical patients and the more unusual cases to help clinicians understand the impact of nutrition in both circumstances. The textbook also details a range of surgical procedures to support underpinning knowledge of the mechanism behind nutritional intervention.

Readers will also find:

  • Consideration in each chapter of both short- and long-term nutritional management
  • Discussion of potential long-term complications such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bile acid diarrhoea, micronutrient deficiencies and osteoporosis
  • Questions to support consolidation of knowledge and promote understanding in clinical context

Nutritional Management of the Surgical Patient is a must-have for surgeons, surgical dietitians, trainees and all healthcare professionals involved in the care of surgical patients.

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