All the Time You Want (Paperback)
分類: Poetry ,
Poetry by individual poets  
書城編號: 26272103

原價: HK$170.00
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出版社: Dzanc Books
出版日期: 2024/01/23
ISBN: 9781950539901

In Selected Poems, Keith Taylor, acclaimed poet of the Upper Midwest and the author of eighteen celebrated collections, delivers a stunning medley of his most lasting work: poems that remain vivid in the imagination, that have achieved a life beyond their first appearance on the page.

With the signature charm and insight that have made him a beloved poet for nearly fifty years, Taylor dives into the wilderness of his life, in canoe and on foot. Across the decades, he reflects on what it means to be a painter, a writer, an observer of life's ordinary beauties; on encountering a bear in the Michigan woods; on the evolution of hitchhiking and the lives of saints; on his transfixion with Doreen dancing at his grade school's show-and-tell; and on the deep and abiding love of a long marriage.

A triumphant celebration of growing up and the life that comes after, this is a collection not to be missed by fans of American poetry and all who wander in the wilderness.

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