See Under the Sea (Board Books)
作者: Kate Davies 
書城編號: 26278995

原價: HK$160.00
現售: HK$152 節省: HK$8

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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2023/12/26
重量: 0.59 kg
ISBN: 9781805070771

A fabulous flap book with over 80 flaps to lift and extra pages to open up to explore life under the sea. Shows coral reefs teeming with fish, the icy waters of the Arctic and the dizzying depths of ocean trenches, and shipwrecks and pirate booty too. Flaps reveal extra facts, information and surprises.
Kate Davies 作者作品表

A Mystery at the Incredible Hotel (Hardcover)

A Mystery at the Incredible Hotel (Paperback)

eBook: Nuclear Family (DRM EPUB)

Nuclear Family (Hardcover)

See Under the Sea (Board Books)

N Is for Nessie: A Scottish Alphabet for Kids (Revised) (Paperback)

A Mystery at the Incredible Hotel (Hardcover)

The Incredible Hotel (Hardcover)

Nuclear Family (Paperback)

Fairy Tale Land: 12 classic tales reimagined (Hardcover)

The Incredible Hotel (Paperback)

eBook: Prima mea lectura. Hansel si Gretel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Challenging Carter (DRM EPUB)

Incredible Hotel (Hardcover)

eBook: Crims #3: The Crims at Sea (DRM EPUB)

The Crims #3: The Crims at Sea (Hardcover)

Crims #2: Down with the Crims! (Paperback)

In at the Deep End (Paperback)

In at the Deep End (Paperback)

eBook: In at the Deep End (DRM EPUB)

還有... [顯示所有作品]

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