100 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly (Paperback)
作者: Sam Baer 
書城編號: 26279052

原價: HK$90.00
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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2023/10/03
重量: 0.39 kg
ISBN: 9781805317531


Fly high in the sky with this brilliant range of paper planes and rockets - ideal as a stocking stuffer this Christmas!

Packed with brilliantly designed paper planes to make and fly, ranging from fighter planes to space rockets and creepy flying bugs. Features four different models to perfect, each with their own concise instructions on how to best fold and fly them.

Printed on special tear-out pages, each of the 100 planes features a unique design. A brilliant present, or great to use as party favors.

Sam Baer 作者作品表

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Birds Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Diwali Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

100 Paper Planes to Fold and Fly (Paperback)

Rainforest Magic Painting Book (Paperback)

Big Picture Book of Long Ago (Hardcover)

Sticker Emergency Services (Paperback)

Atlas of the World Picture Book (Hardcover)

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