100 Things to Know about the Unknown (Hardcover)
作者: Jerome Martin 
書城編號: 26279084

原價: HK$150.00
現售: HK$142.5 節省: HK$7.5

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出版社: Usborne Books
出版日期: 2023/12/05
重量: 0.5 kg
ISBN: 9781805317869


What is dark matter? How fast could a T. rex run? How did Mary Queen of Scots keep her dying wishes secret from her enemies?

Scientists and historians have discovered a lot about our past, our future and how the world works, but SO MUCH remains unknown. This exciting information book filled with 100 fascinating and mind-blowing facts explores the edges of human knowledge and the vast world of science just waiting to be uncovered.

With eleven books to explore in this best-selling and award-winning series, there are over 1,100 facts to discover. Packed with bold, graphic illustrations and clear text, the series is perfect for dipping in and out of, and for sharing with family and friends.

Jerome Martin 作者作品表

Extreme Planet: Journey Across the Arctic (Board Books)

100 Things to Know about History (Hardcover)

100 Things to Know about Sports (Hardcover)

100 Things to Know about Saving the Planet (Hardcover)

Write Your Own Poems (Spiral)

100 Things to Know about the Oceans (Hardcover)

100 Things to Know about the Unknown (Hardcover)

100 Paper Spaceships to Fold and Fly (Paperback)

100 Things to Know about Planet Earth (Hardcover)


100 Things to Know about the Science (Paperback)

eBook: Les terres connues d'Abiollon - Tome 2 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Les terres connues d'Abiollon - Tome 1 (DRM EPUB)

100 Things to Know About the Oceans (Hardback)

Write Your Own Poems (Paperback)

Lift-the-Flap Construction and Demolition (Hardcover)

Maya (Hardcover)

Usborne Outdoor Book (Hardcover)

Sticker Pilots and Aviators (Paperback)

100 Paper Spaceships to Fold and Fly (Paperback)

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